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..<< = Photo Collection = >>..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Calon: ingin menjadi model busana muslim

Jual Parfum

Title: ingin menjadi model busana muslim

Name: Desi Ratna Fitriana Sari

Catagory: Photo Unik

Biodata : About me:
- passionate girl
- cheerful
- mature
- feminin
- calm
- humorist
- figure of mother
- flexible
- faithful
- friendly
- elegant

I like to cook, read, think about world and talk with my friends.

You know, I'm a lover. but I don't want to waste myself on a bad lover. .

I love my parents so much, my sister, my friends, my neighbours, my pets, my teachers and myself.

Especially I love Allah SWT and Rassul Saw. .

- My favorite foods: Burger, kebab, cookies, chocolate, Ice cream and foods are cooked by my mom :) xixixi...

- my favorite colours: pink, black and red. .

- My favorite animals: rabbit, fish and duck (They're so cute).

hmm, I love children in the world. Love them so much.. promise to guard them ;*

Address : 085722124637

Email :

Photo jpg: 41622_100000372755161_8505_n.jpg

Code z53:


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